
1.     What is DAP

DAP (database access platform) is a database persistence and query service for java.

Similar to O-R mapping product, it treat the database tables as java object, and these objects take over all the operation to the database, Such as query and persistence.



  1. platform: java 1.3.1 or above
  2. Using common data type for all tables ¨C DataSet
  3. Database type enwrapped. User needn¡¯t to write different code for different database. Current it support database of ORACEL and DB2.
  4. Transaction type enwrapped. User needn¡¯t to write different code for local transaction and distributed transaction.
  5. Operation efficiency enwrapped. User needn¡¯t to care about it since the SQL statement can be generate automatically with efficiency optimize.
  6. Language enwrapped. User needn¡¯t to encode the SQL statement if they change the database to different code page.
  7. DataSet can be defined to get data from multiple tables, not a single one.
  8. Some DataSets that will be used very frequently can be put into buffer, and refresh there data when necessary.


The major difference against the O-R mapping solution is there don¡¯t exist the real java class of persistence object to each table. Only one java type exists, that is DataSet. That is to say, DataSet is abstraction of table. It can handle all the operation of tables, all the persistence object is an instance of it.


The reason of handling it like this is because two point.

  1. Treating each table as a java class is hardly to gain any benefit from OO theory (association, inheritance and polymorphism) because the table design theory is totally different from OO theory, it is hardly to see a class of table has any characteristic of association, inheritance and polymorphism. But treating the concept of table as a java class is just follow the OO theory, because any table is a child of table. Their operation is same.
  2. It will be much easier to build more component on it since we treat table as a common class, e.g., we can use DataSet as a common data object to transfer in the whole project, and do any operation on it.



2.     How to use

no introduction at this time. since it is beta version

pls see for reference